";" Music for Autism | » Virtual Concert with Chromic Duo

Virtual Concert with Chromic Duo

December 18, 2021
YouTube Livestream
We welcome all individuals with autism and their families across the nation to attend our interactive concerts from their homes.

11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern

Chromic Duo blends classical music, toy piano, and electronics into genre fluid performances and installations. Inspired by the small wonders of the everyday, they compose soundworlds inspired by the multitudes as Third-Culture-Kids discovering their voice within the vast Asian American diaspora. Their work often blurs the lines between film, VR, and AR, but the heart of their work remains constant: to create an intimacy and sense of wonder in their music

This exciting duo make their Music for Autism debut. Join them!

Livestreamed on our YouTube page!

Registrants will receive a link to the private livestream two hours prior to the concert. You must RSVP to receive the link.

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