";" Music for Autism | » The Classical Jam Trio featuring Justin Hines, Wendy Law, and Jennifer Choi (Bilingual Concert) – 2:00PM

The Classical Jam Trio featuring Justin Hines, Wendy Law, and Jennifer Choi (Bilingual Concert) – 2:00PM

May 14, 2016
Brooklyn Heights Library - Brooklyn, NY

Musical Postcards from the Global Village
The Classical Jam Trio featuring Justin Hines (percussion), Wendy Law (cello), Jennifer Choi (violin)

2:00 pm

This is a bilingual concert, all performance announcements and written materials will be in both English and Spanish.

The Place: Inclusive Services for Children and Youth
Brooklyn Heights Library Auditorium
280 Cadman Plaza West
Brooklyn, NY 11201

This concert has been generously underwritten by the Goldman Sachs Community Teamworks Program.


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