";" Music for Autism | » Virtual Concert with Pianist Candace Chien

Virtual Concert with Pianist Candace Chien

October 23, 2021
YouTube Livestream
We welcome all individuals with autism and their families across the nation to attend our interactive concerts from their homes.

11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern

Lauded for her “particularly lovely” playing, collaborative pianist, Candace Marie Chien is a graduate of The Juilliard School and performs regularly with chamber groups Alighieri Duo, a violin piano duo, and piano trio Trio Portinari. Her chamber music performances have taken her all over the east coast of the US, Canada, and Sweden, and has performed with members of the New York Philharmonic and Sydney Symphony.  

Registrants will receive a link to the private livestream two hours prior to the concert. You must RSVP to receive the link.


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