
Celebrating M4A’s Washington D.C. Debut

by Alice Shih.
Music for Autism entered Washington, D.C. in grand fashion on November 29, 2010 with a reception hosted by Board Secretary Lisa Olson. The event was held to kick start M4A’s Washington D.C. program at Cosmos Club, an institution with a rich history dating back to 1878.
Described by Ms. Olson as a “friend-raising” event, in attendance were several interested musicians, several board members from the Ivymount School (Music for Autism’s home in Washington, D.C.) and the chairman of the board of the National Symphony Orchestra.
“We were honored to share the evening with the people from Ivymount who have made our debut possible, talented musicians, and supportive parents and friends, all of whom have hearts of gold. What made the evening particularly special was the first-rate musical performance by soprano Karin Paludan and pianist Wes McCune.” said Ms. Olson.
The event inspired young professionals, including M4A Junior Board members, to hold a young professionals event to reach out to their peers, scheduled for May 5, 2011.
 “This was a glittering start to a brilliant future in Washington.” said Ms. Olson.