";" Music for Autism | » Karl Henry


A Sioux Falls, South Dakota transplant, Karl Henry is a cellist and composer who plays in avariety of musical idioms. He recently graduated from Oberlin Conservatory, where he gained experience and a passion for new music, having debuted and recorded pieces by Elizabeth Ogonek and Stephen Hartke. During his time at school, Karl studied with cellist Darrett Adkins
and percussionist Jaime Haddad while participating in the world music ensemble “PI”. He also has performed with artists Camila Meza, Anat Cohen, Phillip Ying, and Stefan Hersh. A collaborator in many projects, Karl is a member of “Quartet Davis”, an ensemble that plays with an emphasis on improvisation and original music, in addition to fiddle and jazz styles. They have performed with musicians Christian Howes, Fabian Almazan, and Billy Childs. Quartet Davis’ debut album is set to be released this spring. In addition to performing, Karl also enjoys teaching music, emphasizing musicality and ear training as well as technical proficiency in any style/genre the student prefers.

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