
M4A pairs with Goldman Sachs for Community TeamWorks Day

Alice Shih & Lisa Splitlog, posted July 10, 2010.

On July 10, 2010, M4A and Goldman Sachs’ volunteer program, Community TeamWorks, came together to bring a concert featuring singers Lauren Thomas and Matt Leisy, current star of The Fantasticks Off Broadway. Twenty volunteers from Goldman Sachs, led by M4A board member Louise Pitt and team captain Sandhya Menon, devoted a day to volunteering at the

92nd Street

Y concert. After the concert, the group participated in administrative and programmatic projects to help with M4A’s expansion to additional U.S. cities. The team described the work day as a meaningful experience that reshaped the way they saw music in society. Menon said, “On July 10th, I learned one thing – ‘Music is the leveler.’ It didn’t matter how hyperactive our brain activity was, or from what backgrounds we hailed. We were all unified by the fact that music evoked a personal reaction in each of us – adults and kids. It was an honor for me to be a part of the entire group, even if for a day. Kudos to the M4A group for carrying out and demonstrating this belief!”