";" Music for Autism | » Alessia Pedoto Runs the 2014 NYC Marathon for Team M4A

Alessia Pedoto Runs the 2014 NYC Marathon for Team M4A

On Sunday November 2nd 2014 Alessia Pedoto ran the New York City marathon for the third time in 3:29:27. Prior to the run, she explained on her fundraising page, “I am not an expert marathoner. I just join the crowd and enjoy the run. What happened in Boston in 2013 made me realize how lucky I am to be able to run and have fun during the event. I was one of the luckiest who finished before the explosions, and it took me hours to understand what had happened. I qualified again for the race this year and in 2015. Not only did I sign up to run again, but I decided I wanted to contribute to a charitable cause for each marathon I run.”

Alessia said that it was a difficult marathon on November 2nd mainly because of the weather.  She described the wind blowing agains her and sideways for the most of the run, “picking up on every single hill between Staten Island and Central Park.” Even though it was difficult, it was a great experience.

We are so proud of Alessia for completing the run and fundraising over the goal of $5,000! Thank you to everyone who came out to cheer Alessia and support Music for Autism.

To view her fundraising page and learn more about Alessia, click here.

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