";" Music for Autism | » Anonymous Foundation Awards Music for Autism $175,000 Challenge Grant

Anonymous Foundation Awards Music for Autism $175,000 Challenge Grant

An anonymous foundation with decades of experience in hands-on philanthropic support of a vast array of extraordinary arts and educational programs such as The Little Orchestra Society, the Harlem Boys Choir, the National Museum of the American Indian, Williams College, Bates College, and the Pittsburgh Opera, has chosen Music for Autism for a $175,000 challenge grant. This grant includes a $25,000 gift with an additional $150,000 that will be donated in the form of matching every dollar Music for Autism raises through summer 2015. It is the hope of the foundation that this amount raised will not only be met, but also exceeded by Music for Autism.

“It has been fascinating for me to learn of your work, from gaining more familiarity with autism and its ripple effects to thinking about the profound impact that live music performances have on all of us. Perhaps Music for Autism might even change concert hall behavior in general so that all might feel more free to respond to the immediacy and beauty of song. If so, I will have my dancing shoes at the ready,” said the president of the foundation.

On this extraordinary gift–the largest singular pledge to our organization–Music for Autism US Founder and President, Robert Accordino stated, “We are so honored by and grateful for this tremendous support. We are excited to inform all of our donors that all money given to us over the next year will be so generously matched. It has been such a thrill for all of us at Music for Autism to learn from our colleagues who have supported us and to understand the impact of their unique style of philanthropic support.”

As of June 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, all donations to Music for Autism up to $150,000 will be matched.

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